On Friday, March 6th 2015, our school, SMPK 1 BPK Penabur held an event called KPI. It stands for Kebaktian Penyegaran Iman or in English it is Faith Refreshing Service. The purpose of this event is to refresh our faith to God. This event was attended by 7th and 8th grader and held every year.
This year's event was held at GKI Anugerah, on Jalan Jendral Sudirman. It took about 3 hours from 7.30 am till 10 am.
This year's theme was "Do You Love Me?". It was the same question asked by Jesus to his beloved disciple, Peter, who denied Jesus three times. The same question is also being asked by God to everyone of us. Even though, many times we act like Peter, who denied Jesus. Nevertheless, God always loves us and even sacrifices His son, Jesus, for us and for our salvation, no matter what we do. God's love is an unconditional one.
There were a video showing, a sermon, and a lot of songs we sing to praise God during the event. I was really touched by the sermon given by the pastor. I am looking forward to attending the next KPI.
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