Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Break and My Birthday

Hi everybody! I just wanna to tell a bit story on what I did on my Easter break. I didn't do much actually during the break. I just stayed at home relaxing, reading books and playing computer games. I went to St. Theodorus church with my family on Friday to celebrating Good Friday, and on Saturday afternoon we went to Cathedral celebrating Easter during Vigily Saturday mass. On Saturday, as my relatives from Jakarta coming down to Bandung, we had a dinner together at Korean House restaurant. I ate so much that nite that I ruined my diet plan. But the most fun part was my cousin of the same age as mine from Jakarta came as well. I spent a night with my cousin's family at Grand Setiabudhi Apartment on Saturday night because they had a spare empty room for me there. I had a fun chat and played games with my cousin, Joanna all night. We went to bed past midnight. It was so fun. Today, on Sunday afternoon we all went to a birthday party of my cousin, Sophia, who just turned 1 on April 2nd. The funny thing was April 5th this Sunday happened also to be my birthday. What a coincidence. After making a wish, I blew candles on cake prepared by family and was congratulated by the attending guesses as well as my family. Happy Easter all and Happy Birthday to me :)

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