Sunday, May 17, 2015

How to make 3D Plant Cell Model :)

Steps for making 3D Plant Cell Model

1.   Prepare all the materials required:
•    Styrofoam board (thickness 2cm and 3cm), Styrofoam ball of diameter 6 cm
•    Styrofoam cutter
•    Styrofoam Glue
•    White Glue
•    Gypsum plaster powder
•    Scrapper
•    Corn Starch Powder, Cassava Starch Powder, Rice Starch Powder, Benzoate (to make clay)
•    Poster paint and brush
•    Clear Spray Paint

2.    Cut the styrofoam of thickness 2 cm and 3 cm into the required size, in this case 2 x 20 cm by 20 cm  (thickness = 2cm) namely Board A and B and 20 cm by 20 cm and 20 cm by 25 cm (both has thickness of 3cm) namely Board C and D, respectively.  Take Board A and draw a figure of vacuole (like the shape of 2 finger duck feet) in the center of the Styrofoam and cut according to the figure using styrofoam cutter.  And on the same board, make a hole of half circle with diameter of 6 cm for the space to embed the Styrofoam ball. Next take the other 2cm thickness of the cut Styrofoam board (Board B) and make a hole in shape of full circle with diameter of 6cm at the center bottom of the board

                                                  Board A                     Board B             

Cut the Styrofoam ball to make an opening like an open mouth with the cutter (to make nucleus).  Glue Board A with Board C together with Styrofoam glue (Board AC).  And try to sit the styrofoam ball into the half circle hole of  the board AC.  And position the board B perpendicular (make 90 deg angle) with the board AC where the sitting Styrofoam ball could fill the full circle hole of board B. Cut the protruding part the Styrofoam ball. Then glue Board B and D together (Board BD). Finally glue Board AC and BD together while the Styrofoam ball now sitting at the center bottom of glued Board AC and BD. If you view from the side, it makes an L shape.  Let sit overnight until the glue is fully cured.

3.    Mix gypsum plaster powder with water to form a paste and apply the paste to the figure made using Styrofoam before. Use either brush and scrapper to apply the paste uniformly around the figure. Let sit overnight until the plaster paste fully cured and cover the whole figure.

4.    In the mean time, we can make clay using Corn Starch Powder, Cassava Starch Powder, and Rice Starch Powder in same proportion and then mix them with enough white glue and a little bit benzoate for preservative agent and add some body lotion or Vaseline to make it soft. And then put some food coloring to give color to the clay.

5.    Paint  the back and the edge of 5 cm (L shape of both sides) of the figure with green poster colour and paint about 7 mm making an outline along the side of the area where the nucleus is present , indicating cell wall. Next paint white color about 7 mm side by side with the green outline, indicating cell membrane.  And then paint the remaining area with light blue, indicating cytoplasm. Paint the Styrofoam ball using purple bluish paint indicating nucleus.

6.    Shape the clay accordingly to make other part of the plant cell. After they are dry, you could stick them to the figure using white glue.

7.    Label them accordingly and write the name for each part.

8.    After done, you could spray the figure using Clear Spray Paint in order for protection and make it look shiny.

9.    Your 3D Plant Cell Model is done!

10.  Tada   >>>>>>>>>>>>>

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